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Christ Church CE Primary School

'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16

Christ Church, W-s-M

Christ Church, Weston-super-Mare


Christ Church C of E Primary School works in close partnership with our parish church,

Christ Church, Weston-Super-Mare. We collaborate in collective worship at school and in

areas of our RE curriculum.


Although we are church-based, we are not church-biased. We seek to include and celebrate

all faiths found in our diverse town.

Whole school services

The whole school visits the Church several times a year to participate in collective worship services to celebrate festivals such as Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Year Six leavers’ service. Each class takes the lead for a different service and the children prepare and deliver prayers, readings and performances to both the School and wider Church community.  


Collective worship

We engage in collective worship everyday in the form of assemblies, key stage services, achievement celebration and singing practise. Clergy from Christ Church, Church and other local Anglican churches often lead whole school collective worship on Thursdays. During these assemblies, children develop a deeper understanding of God's teachings and learn how these contribute towards our school and community.

We encourage and develop independent exploration of our values, enabling children to become the best they can be within a supportive Christian environment. Through our collective worship and regular services, children build the confidence to take active roles in our Church Community including attending JaM (Jesus and Me) club after School and attending Sunday services to sing as part of the School Choir for special celebrations. 


As a Church of England School, we receive a SIAMS inspection every five years. The SIAMS inspection focuses on the impact of the Church school's Christian vision on pupils and adults. and involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish. Our most recent inspection was in 2014, where the School was rated as GOOD. 

