Christ Church CE Primary School
'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16
At Christ Church Primary School, we have worked together to create a shared set of values. These are displayed around the school and fall into 5 areas:
As a result of this work, we are clear that bullying is anti-social behaviour which will not be tolerated in our school. We recognise each individual’s right to work and play in a happy and safe environment. Bullying is defined as deliberately hurtful behaviour, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves.
Our school's anti-bullying policy (including peer on peer abuse) and child-friendly anti-bullying leaflet contains more information on bullying and the strategies we use to prevent it.
If you have concerns that your child is a victim of bullying, please contact the school office and ask to speak to one of the safeguarding leads: