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Christ Church CE Primary School

'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 - 2023/2024


We are new to the juniors. Mr Hiscox is our teacher and he helps us feel more confident about moving up from the infants. We are also supported by Mrs Share, Mrs Thorne, and Mrs Carpenter. In Year 3 and we have lots of inspiring lessons. It's great in class as we all look after each other and we learn many new things. Our teacher has a passion for all our subjects and we are encouraged to always try our best.


What are we learning in class this year? cool Click on our project web to find out.



Our double PE lesson is on Monday with Mr Bazell.



In Year 3 we take part in a guided reading session once a week. Guided reading consists of a timetable of activities where the children will take part in a group reading session, with the teacher or teaching assistant, have the opportunity to read independently, complete a reading comprehension activity and complete a grammar and punctuation activity or play various word games.


It is really important that your child reads their school reading book on a regular basis at home (minimum of 4 times a week) so that they practice the reading skills and comprehension taught during guided reading sessions. Please continue to encourage your child to sound out and blend words when reading, as well as asking questions about what they have just read.


Here are a range of fantastic books from our reading spine if your looking for inspiration.
