Christ Church CE Primary School
'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16
At Christ Church we develop children’s character through our Behaviour Curriculum. In order to build character, we define the behaviours and habits that we expect students to demonstrate. We want to support our pupils to grow from school ready children into adults who are polite, respectful, safe, and considerate of others. We believe that as pupils practice these behaviours, over time they become automatic routines that positively shape how they feel about themselves and how other people perceive them. In this way our school has a positive culture which enhances teaching, learning personal/social development and the opportunities we can offer our children. For this Behaviour Curriculum to be effective, it must be applied consistently by all member of staff in all school contexts. Everyone is responsible for modelling and managing behaviour throughout the school at all times.
Teaching the curriculum
The curriculum is taught explicitly during the first two weeks in the autumn term alongside the traditional National Curriculum subjects. Children should learn the content of the curriculum so that they can recall the information and act upon it. At the start of each term, the Behaviour Curriculum is revisited with pupils in assemblies/collective worship and in class. It will continue to be reinforced throughout the year to ensure that should a visit from one of the senior leaders take place, they will see the similar behaviours being carried out across the Trust. As with other curriculum content, this should be taught using explicit teaching based on the ten principles of instruction from Rosenshine including regular quizzing to check and strengthen retention. Teachers will also demonstrate these behaviours and ensure pupils have time to practice these (particularly in the first few days of each term). For example, a lining up order should be taught in the classroom but must be reinforced in different locations and times throughout the school day e.g. at lunchtime. It is expected that all pupils will know this content.
Work and a training plan will be put in place including developing a bank of stem sentences and video clips demonstrating the curriculum behaviours Kaleidoscope Schools require to support the teaching of the Behaviour Curriculum. Understanding what a good model looks like is the key to creating long term recall.
Behaviour Consequences rationale
The Kaleidoscope Academy views behaviour consequences as only having one primary useful effect; they deter, they give pause for reflection and make the recipient think ‘I might not do this again.’
The new consequences chart has been designed using evidence based research from educational behaviour experts such as Tom Bennet, Paul Dix; other schools such as Stoke Park in Bristol as well as using the DFE Behaviour School Guidance 2022. All schools in the MAT have had input into the design keeping our pupils in mind throughout the process.
It provides a clear and transparent structure for all pupils to follow whilst at the same time incorporating flexibility that allows Kaleidoscope staff to use their professional judgement and sensitivity when dealing with behaviour.
At each level of consequence, a pupil can expect to receive restorative support through conversations to help them make the right choices and reflect on the choices they have made.
Each incident of behaviour is unique as are our pupils so our staff will ensure that the right degree of flexibility is given to ensure a positive outcome for the pupil.