Christ Church CE Primary School
'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16
Welcome to EYFS!
We are Reception and this is our first year at Primary School. Miss Bryant and Mrs Foxen are our teachers and we are also supported by Mrs Ball, Mrs Jasper, Mrs Knowles, Mrs Gregory and Mrs Tozer.
In Reception, we learn lots of new skills that will help us throughout school. We have great fun with learning new sounds, writing words, counting, investigating and discovering new topics and making new friends.
What are we learning in class this term? Click on our project web to find out.
Follow the link to find out more about what we learn in EYFS.
Family Read - Term 3
On a Tuesday, parents and carers are invited into class to share some of our favourite stories. These include traditional tales, diverse stories, non-fiction, poems and rhymes.
The children love to share the stories with their families. We will be continuing our Family Reads every Tuesday at 2:50pm. Please speak to a member of the EYFS team for further information.
Visitors and Trips in Reception
February 2023
Alex, an RSPCA Volunteer, came in to visit us this morning to talk about how to look after animals focusing on hedgehogs. We learnt about the name of their babies, how to keep them safe and what happens if they need some help from the RSPCA. We made hedgehogs using clay and sticks to represent their spines. Adult hedgehogs have between 5,000 and 7,000 spines - we were trying to see how many spines we could put on our hedgehog!
School Trip to Weston Library (March 2023)
Reception went to visit the Weston Library. We heard about what the library has to offer (Lego club at the weekend, borrowing 20 books at a time, borrowing DVDS). It was exciting to hear about the local community. We all had an application form to have our own library card. Then we heard 3 stories from the librarian, we really enjoyed listening to new stories!
"The classes were a joy to address. I hope to see the children in the library again" (A comment from the Librarian at Weston Library)