Christ Church CE Primary School
'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16
'R.E is like an iceberg, as you unpack ideas, you come to understand deeper meaning.’
At Christ Church our Religious education curriculum (RE) is embedded at the heart of our vision and values. As every child enters our school, we recognise the unique opportunity we have to support, develop and enrich their lives by providing a broad and enlightened view of individual spirituality.
Each child will have equal access to a highly engaging curriculum based on the Bath and Wells Diocese AMV, Understanding Christianity framework, Discovery RE and Wow days. This RE curriculum is designed to provide a diverse view of beliefs and different faiths. Its primary focus to teach our children about acceptance and tolerance through a range of activities. This teaching helps the children to focus on their own spiritual understanding and awareness of religion as part of their culture and identity.
The variety in the curriculum also encourages an enquiry-based approach for children to explore their faith. They are actively encouraged to explore the connections that can be made between theological concepts in the Bible and their daily lives. This curriculum is not limited to the study of Christian text as we also study the faiths of Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism. Lessons allow the children to explore their own British values as well as the values of the people they will meet, work and live alongside in their future lives.
We want our children to grow not only in awareness of their own beliefs or faith, but also in respectful awareness of the other faiths within the global community. At the centre of our teaching are the opportunities to question and consider different viewpoints, thus developing understanding and insight into experiences that differ or are similar to their own. We intend for our children to leave Christ Church as religiously literate about Christianity and informed and respectful about other faiths but most importantly to be secure in their own spirituality – understanding who they are, what they believe and why, and where they are going.
From our daily Acts of Worship, personal reflection times, playtime and lesson time, we are guided by the values of:
Children and adults alike search for these values in themselves and others and look for ways that these can be further expressed in their lives. Our aim for our children is to help them develop into courageous advocates of their faith and belief, ready to search out opportunities to take a role in local and global communities and ultimately pursue these beliefs into adulthood.