Christ Church CE Primary School
'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16
Welcome to Year 1!
In Year 1, Mrs Shippey helps us practice our phonics everyday and we are working hard with our reading and writing.
It's great being in Year 1 because we have lots of exciting lessons and we all care and look after each other.
PE is taught by Mr Bazell every Friday afternoon.
Children are given a reading planner and two books to take home every week. Books are changed on a Thursday. Please read with your child at least 4 times a week and sign the planner.
Scroll down to see what we are learning each term and to find some useful resources to support home learning.
A visit from our friendly P.C.S.O
Year 1 enjoyed an interesting visit from P.C.S.O. Jordan this morning. We learnt all about his role and tried on some of his uniform. We were even lucky enough to sit in a Police car! Mr Jordan was very impressed with the children's curiosity and has offered to arrange another workshop later in the year that may include drones, horses and dogs! The children really enjoyed chatting with such a friendly officer and learning about a day in the life of a P.C.S.O.
The Aliens have landed!
Today, when we came into school, we saw that something had crash landed in our classroom!! Could it be an alien spaceship?..........
Having fun at a drama workshop
Bread making workshop!
Today, we had a visit from Aspens who told us all about bread. We learnt how it is made and what you can make from dough. Then we made our own bread shapes to be cooked at home. Delicious!
An Autumn Walk in Grove Park
Today, we went for a lovely walk in Grove Park to look for signs of Autumn.