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Christ Church CE Primary School

'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


In Year 1, Mrs Shippey helps us practice our phonics everyday and we are working hard with our reading and writing.

It's great being in Year 1 because we have lots of exciting lessons and we all care and look after each other.


Please scroll to the bottom for an outline of what the children will be learning throughout the year as well as useful documents to help them learn at home. 



An Autumn Walk in the Park


Today we had a walk around Weston, looking for human and physical features! After that, we spent some time in Grove Park looking for signs of Autumn. We spotted lots of different types of tree and collected some Autumn leaves for our science project. 

Butterfly conservation visit

Today we were lucky enough to have a visit from Lucy - a butterfly conservationist. She told us all about butterflies and moths, including where to find them and the differences between the two. Lucy noticed how well we listened and thought our questions were very thoughtful!


There are two PE lessons on a Monday. The children should come to school dressed in their sports kits.


Children are given a reading planner and two books to take home every week. Books are changed on a Thursday. Please read with your child at least 4 times a week and sign the planner. 

Scroll down to see what we are learning each term and to find some useful resources to support home learning. 

An Autumn Walk in Grove Park

Today, we went for a lovely walk in Grove Park to look for signs of Autumn. 
