Christ Church CE Primary School
'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16
Welcome to Year 4!
Our teaching team is:
Mrs Rogers & Mrs Palmer
Mrs Share, Mr Bazell & Mrs Carpenter
What are we learning?
This year, we have 3 different themes for our learning.
In Terms 1&2 we look at Mountains and rivers. We track a river from Source to Mouth, learning all the vocabulary and visiting a local outdoor and adventurous site to see it for ourselves. Our study of Mountains focuses on the formation of Mountains and the famous explorers who have tried to conquer the World's highest peaks.
In Terms 3&4 we focus on a theme called 'Who wanted to Rule Britannia?'
This is a History focus theme and takes us from the early Roman Empire, the conquering of Briton, the demise of the Romans and the invasion of Briton from the Anglo-Saxons and then the Vikings!
It is full of battles, settlements and the introduction of different cultures, traditions and language to Britain.
We are designing and making Battle Insignia to link to our Roman and Anglo Saxon topic.
To finish off the year in Terms 5&6, we are looking at The Abyss - a study of the Oceans. This theme is linked to Science and Geography.
It is packed full of life cycles, longitude and latitude, caring for our Oceans and campaigning for cleaner seas as part of our Courageous Advocacy.
To find out more, read the school’s Curriculum or ask our staff.