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Christ Church CE Primary School

'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16

Ofsted and Performance Data

The School's most recent full inspection took place in May 2023, when the school was graded as Good. The report can be downloaded below, as well as from the Ofsted website, where previous inspection reports can also be found.


Click on the logo to go to our reports

Ofsted and HMI inspection teams will always take the views of parents into consideration and it is extremely helpful if as many parents as possible complete the Ofsted Parent View questionnaire. As a school, we too can view responses and it is always very helpful to get feedback which ensures we can improve.


Click on the logo to go to the Parent View website

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)​

As a Church of England School, Christ Church Primary School receives a SIAMS expection every 5 years. The SIAMS inspection focuses on the impact of the Church school's Christian vision on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish.


Our latest SIAMS inspection was held on Tuesday 21st May 2019. We are pleased to say that we were awarded a judgement of GOOD. 


End of KS1 Results​ 2022-2023: 

% of pupils meeting expected standard based on teacher assessment -



End of KS2 Results 2022-2023​: 

% of pupils meeting expected standard -


Pupils are meeting the expected standard if they achieve a scaled score of 100 or more in their reading and maths tests, and their teacher assesses them as 'working at the expected standard' or better in writing.



