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Christ Church CE Primary School

'Let your light shine' Matthew 5:16


Governance Structure

Kaleidoscope Academy Trust has a prescribed governance structure comprising of Members, Trustees and Local Governing Bodies. Please click on the diagram below to see who they are. 



Local Governing Body (Our School Governors)


What we do: 

The Governors are responsible for the running of the School, dealing with staffing, buildings and curriculum.  Their responsibilities were increased in April 1991 when they took over control of the finances of the school under L.M.S. (Local Management of Schools). 

To contact any School Governor, please speak to Mrs Baxter in the school office, or alternatively, speak to the Parent Governors     (Mrs Alison Knowles, Ms Clare Laver or Ms Emma Kimsey) on the playground. 


Who we are


Ms Clare Laver (Parent Governor)


Ms Emma Kimsey (Foundation Governor)


Mr K James (Staff Governor)

Mrs R Clarke (Staff Governor)

Rev T Webber (Foundation Governor)

Mrs N Harper (Foundation Governor)

Mrs Alison Knowles (Parent Governor)

Mrs Laura Edmonds (Foundation Governor)




To view our admissions policy please visit our admissions page and click the correct version for the academic year of application.


Any responses regarding our admission policy, should be sent via either our school address or email for the

Attention of Ms C. Laver (Chair of Governors).

Parent Governor Election Pack Oct 2024
